GR VI post box – George VI (aka Bertie from the King’s Speech: postbox put up between 1936-1952). Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. The design was perpetuated in to the George VI reign (LB212) and here you can see both for comparison. These four boxes are all by different foundries from this long reign. The rounded top leads to this type being know has 'Hovis' boxes, after the famous loaves of bread.
This was box a great box, with 15 King George VI pennies! |
Das Museum kommt nach der Post the museum is after or past the post office. George Box — George Edward Pelham Box Naissance 18 octobre 1919 Gravesend. Details about Royal Mail Post Box Cast Iron Letter Box Heavy With 2 Keys Post Office George VI See original listing. Royal Mail Post Box Cast Iron Letter Box Heavy With 2 Keys Post Office George VI: Condition: New. Ended: 04 Feb, 2021 23:19:43 AEDST.
It is also nice to get these older King George pennies because the pennies have been discontinued here in Canada, which should make their value increase in the future as their numbers thin due to many of them being destroyed (i.e. melted down) during the government's transition. Here are the result for this box:
Post Box Singapore
$25 Penny Box
-860 copper pennies (35.20%)
George Vi Post Box 10
Total King George VI pennies (15): 1940x2, 41, 43, 45, 46x2, 47x2, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52
Total American Wheat cents (1): 1941

George Vi Post Boxer Briefs
George Vi Post Box Locations
With these results, we have completely caught up on the boxes we hoarded before the Canadian penny was discontinued in February. Therefore, all of the penny results in the future will be from our last 14 boxes. Hopefully, they will be as fruitful as this box was.