Jira Jql Cheat Sheet


JQL: issuetype=story. Queries are a series of simple elements strung together to form a more complex question. Keri noblethe initials game. A query has three basic parts: Fields - are different types of jira issues information in the system. Jira fields include assignee, project etc.) Operators - Operators are the core of the query. They narrate the field to the value.

  1. JQL Cheat Sheet (a gift of Atlassian Jira) You can download the cheat sheet here: atlassian-jql-cheat-sheet-2 If you need more info about how to use JQL, tricks, etc, we strongly recommend the Book “ JQL Per tutti ” of F abio Genovese (Artigiano del Software) Available in Italian, Spanish, Catalan, French and English!
  2. JQL Cheat Sheet by MartechElements via cheatography.com/126118/cs/24324/ Rules A classic query in JQL (also known as a 'clause') consists of a field, followed by an oper ator, followed by one or more values or func tio ‐ ns. Field - Fields are different types of inform ation in the system. FixVe ‐ rsion, issue type, date created, etc.

Want to quickly see the Jira issues that were completed yesterday by your team, yourself or the whole company? JQL lets you do this (and a whole lot more) with ease.

Lets start with the simplest possible query. We can then add conditions one at a time and examine what each does. In the end, you will have a powerful query that can be easily customized to your projects.

Jira Jql Cheat Sheet Download

This example assumes issues are considered complete when marked as either ‘Resolved’ or ‘Done. This could be different from your projects. To use this query simply replace the statuses with the ones that make sense for your projects.

The first thing you will probably want to improve is limiting your search to specific projects. We can do that by scoping the query to a project called ‘TEST’

If the issue was marked as completed yesterday but was then subsequently moved to a new status it will still be returned by this query. We should fix that by adding a condition to check the current status of the issues.

The last thing to do is limiting our search to issues resolved by a specific member of your team. To do this, lets add some additional JQL. The ‘by’ operator signifies the person that made the change, and we then pass in a Jira username.

Awesome! We now have a powerful query to find Jira issues completed yesterday. You can use this to quickly display issues in Jira, set up a reusable filter, run directly from Slack or receive a custom daily Slack message from stratejos.

Jira jql cheat sheet pdf

Supercharging JQL with stratejos

stratejos lets you get more out of the tools you use with your team every day. Think of stratejos as a smart extra set of hands that frees you up to focus on the things that matter to your customers.

stratejos give you two powerful ways to supercharge your use of JQL.

Run JQL commands from Slack

Get custom Jira messages in Slack

Jira Jql Cheat Sheet Pdf

Further reading

Atlassian Jql Cheat Sheet

Want to dive deeper into JQL? Check out these great resources from around the interwebs.